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Christine Lagarde

Christine Lagarde in Shanghai presenting the China SME award

Christine Lagarde and the 2007 China SME Jury honored QIMA during the annual French Chamber of Commerce Gala in Shanghai.

QIMA, a Quality Control Services Company in Asia working for over 3,500 customers around the world, has been awarded the China SME award their successful business practices in China by Christine Lagarde, French Foreign Exchange Minister of State.

After a brilliant career for Baker & McKenzie, a renowned American law firm, Christine Lagarde became Foreign Exchange Minister of State for the French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin in 2005. Christine Lagarde is the 22st Foreign Exchange Minister of State of the 5th French Republic.

Christine Lagarde presents the China SME award to Sébastien Breteau - CEO of QIMA

Sébastien Breteau, CEO of QIMA, was awarded by Christine Lagarde before an audience of the French and Chinese business communities and Laurence Parisot, president of the largest union employer in France.

Christine Lagarde, French Version

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