Hội Thảo Trực Tuyến
How to Overcome the Challenges of Importing Textiles and Apparel
Phát Sóng Vào
03/06/2021 |
Thời Gian
Theo Yêu Cầu
Chi Phí
Miễn Phí
Ngôn Ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Chủ Đề
Kiểm Định
Thử Nghiệm Trong Phòng Thí Nghiệm
Thanh Tra
Dệt May, Giày Dép & Phụ Kiện
Diễn Giả
Rogelio Vazquez
Đơn Vị Tổ Chức
There are many complex supply chain challenges that brands and retailers in the textile and apparel industry must overcome if they are to ensure the quality of their products when they hit store shelves.
Your brand needs to have a plan in place to get ahead of quality obstacles and keep your supply chain operating effectively. This webinar will discuss the importance of control and visibility to overcome common supply chain challenges such as quality issues and defects, damage caused by mold, and bug infestations, and will propose quality control solutions to help you systematize your efforts to ensure less friction and higher quality products.
Rogelio is one of the Senior Business Development Managers at QIMA with years of experience in areas of supply chain, logistics and transport management among others. Rogelio supports QIMA clients to protect their brands’ integrity and supply chains with identifying high-quality suppliers and mitigating the risks associated with importation by coordinating audits, lab tests and product inspections.
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Tất cả khách hàng của chúng tôi ở 120 quốc gia được sử dụng nền tảng QIMA và hỗ trợ 24/7 bằng hơn 20 ngôn ngữ, QIMA is Your Eyes in the Supply Chaintm.
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