Every year, hundreds of beverages get recalled due to cross-contamination with allergens, spoilage and fermentation, fears of plastic contamination, use of banned chemicals, and other safety concerns. To safeguard the quality of beverages supplied to the market, manufacturers must ensure compliance of the product’s components, packaging, and production processes at every stage.
QIMA offers extensive quality control for all categories of beverages, helping brands and retailers preserve product quality from factory to shelf. We conduct on-site inspections, audits, and lab tests to make sure that your beverages are manufactured, stored, and shipped in accordance with your specifications, and meet the safety standards of your destination market. We also offer certification under a number of internationally recognized schemes, including sustainable coffee sourcing protocols.
Our expertise in beverage certification covers the following categories:
QIMA supplier audit programs are an effective way to assess manufacturing and ethical compliance in your global food supply chain.
Hygiene audits (GHP) are designed to ensure that your food suppliers’ facilities abide with international hygiene standards.
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) audits help you achieve GMP compliance and secure safety in your beverage supply chain.
Quality Management System audits provide you with a full picture of your supplier’s quality management and oversight processes.
Ethical Audits are especially relevant for food and beverage components sourced overseas, helping you achieve social compliance and eliminate any instances of labor abuse from your supply chain.
QIMA, through our subsidiary QIMA/WQS, can audit your processes and systems against the requirements of applicable standards to achieve certification under the following schemes:
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